Tuesday, November 20, 2012

sometimes flowers make you sneeze

Flowers all have the same thing inside of them, it's called pollen. You know that you sneeze when you sniff flowers.  That's because the pollen tickles your nose, and it's like when someone takes a feather and puts it in your nose and gently tickles it. Oh, I forgot to tell you that when you sniff flowers, and you sneeze, it's called allergies!  Bye bye!  ;)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Stargazer Lilies

I think stargazer lilies are beautiful flowers and my cousin Rebecca thinks so too.  I love how the petals curl back and how the middle part sticks out.  My cousin has very good taste in her flowers.  I might have to see if my Grandma Becky would buy some and plant em so I can enjoy them like Rebecca does.  Thank you for sharing this flower with me Rebecca and know all my readers can enjoy this flower too...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

My Favorite Flower

   Well, I don't know where to start...there are so many kinds of flowers in the world.  I don't want to brag about me but my favorite flower is the Red Hibiscus...I absolutely love it.  I would love for you to comment and tell me your favorite flowers, so I can blog about them.  I am really really excited for you all to comment...hurry up so I can hear all about your favorite flower...YAY!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

how to plant a sunflower

First... You need to buy some sunflower seeds next...You need to pull all the weeds out too before you plant the seeds. Then dig a decent size hole put the seed in then cover it with dirt then water it. Then wait a few weeks. Then it should bloom!!! But you should still water it.