Tuesday, August 7, 2012

how to plant a sunflower

First... You need to buy some sunflower seeds next...You need to pull all the weeds out too before you plant the seeds. Then dig a decent size hole put the seed in then cover it with dirt then water it. Then wait a few weeks. Then it should bloom!!! But you should still water it.


  1. I absolutely love this Nora! Momma can't wait to read more of your creative posts about flowers and your love of them...proud of you my girl!!

  2. Great job Nora! I can't wait to read more of your posts!

  3. Nora, I really enjoyed your first post. I love sunflowers.
    Grandpa Ed

  4. Great job NJ. Maybe you and Grandma could collaborate a little and I could share some of my gardening tips with you? Just think about it! Love that you have this interest and dedication! Love you...GB

  5. Thank you for the great information Nora! Sunflowers are just beautiful. I'm very excited to see more of your posts!

  6. Nora,
    you know my favorite part of sunflowers, they watch the sun go across the sky all day long. Just like we should always watch God's son and what he wants us to do! Then in the evening it bows its head, reminding us that we need to pray every day! I love your blog!
    Baby's mom (Kerry)
